- Street: karnataka
- City: banglore
- State: Karnataka
- Country: India
- Zip/Postal Code: 560066
- Listed: August 13, 2013 1:32 PM
- Expires: This ad has expired
1. Directing vendors to recommended suppliers to directly purchase raw material in nearest major cities all over India.
2. Supplying machines directly from the nearest manufactures.
3. To Buy Back the products with profit to fulfill our and our clients’ requirements
4. Grass Profit Ratio is more than 90% from raw Material cost
5. The MOU-Agreement will be made between Company and vendors’ concern/Individual for two to Five years and more
6. We provide Training, Technology and consultation to manufacture and develop the products.
7. The non-refundable Buy back, Training, Establishment and Agreement Fee for the unit starts with 10 machines Rs 100,000/- and the unit starts with 20 machines Rs 250,000/- to be paid to the company at the time of writing agreement for three years. If the vendors require renewal the agreement after third year they may renew the contract without any establishment cost.
Raw material cost per slot will be Rs 320000/- We buy back the finished goods for Rs 630000/-640000/- 650000/- According to distance all over India
If interested we can have a discussion by meeting Face to Face.
Please do reply to us mentioning the Contact number and E-mail ID.
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